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About PWE
送交者: jeffdye 2016月07月06日08:09:19 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: PWE 有可能涨那么多,不太喜欢它的债务太多deliver 于 2016-07-05 16:30:01

The new PWE has debt of $0.5b instead of 1.45b, lowest among its peers; Additionally, it has lowest operation cost in E&P.  Those improving happened, though took over 3 years,after CEO  David E. Roberts, who took over the CEO&President position in June 2013. Roberts has been a very repected oilman who has over 30 years well documented, successfull managing experience. The mess of PWE incurred by prior managing team was finally left behind. A new low debt high effiency company emerged but not appreciated yet by the market.

Just my humble opinion for your reference.

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