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Oil master, I also have simila
送交者: Yani 2009月02月19日08:13:36 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: I don't even have a back yard.egghead1 於 2009-02-19 07:18:18
question. The crude inventory data showed a surprised fall for last week. Will this the start of a turn for contango to backwardation, or it's just a bad data on the curve?
  You two are killing me.... - 小寒* 02/19/09 (298)
    thank you so much - Yani 02/19/09 (261)
      Here are the starting days - 小寒* 02/19/09 (262)
        do you know - Yani 02/19/09 (195)
          should be the 5th biz day - 小寒* 02/19/09 (158)
        笑師傅好文筆 - Yani 02/19/09 (209)
          不註冊沒法在你的播客上亂寫亂畫 - Yani 02/19/09 (222)
            嘿嘿, 謝謝捧場!  /無內容 - 小寒* 02/19/09 (162)
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