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probably. But his time horizon
送交者: egghead1 2009月02月21日16:25:32 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: He certainly underestimated小寒* 于 2009-02-21 11:07:33
is 10 years. I think the S&P was around 950 when he called the buy American. If S&P 500 can reach 1700 by 2019, you still can get 6% annual return for the next 10 years. If you assume a 2% dividend yield, which I think is reasonable, you will get 8% total return a year. That's not bad. Then you can't fault him if that happens.

Time will tell.
  May be so, but somehow - 小寒* 02/21/09 (174)
  10 years later, it will be - k19 02/21/09 (290)
    you two feel really - egghead1 02/22/09 (231)
      I am hopeful too - 小寒* 02/22/09 (331)
        hmm, - egghead1 02/22/09 (214)
          Like wise - 小寒* 02/22/09 (195)
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