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Time to buy more now
送交者: bagota 2009月03月03日09:39:11 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 《富爸爸》让俺损失六十万,俺该咋办?free2005 于 2009-03-02 13:31:05
Rich Dad said you should not follow the public. You should not be afraid. You should use your brain. You have not loss anything, so long you don't have to sell it. After a big recession/small depression, the next thing is inflation. House values will pop up like a balloon in 3-5 years. Your time of entering the market is not the best. But it is OK.

If you have money in the bank, you should buy more now. At least two more properties. It is the best buying time on real estate. If you can do that, you have really learnt the Rich Data book.
  If you believe what you said - k19 03/03/09 (215)
  银行里有的只是债,即钱是负数 /无内容 - americam 03/03/09 (249)
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