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送交者: Yani 2009月03月05日05:24:39 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 柞里子:奥巴马暗渡陈仓柞里子 于 2009-03-03 15:43:51
what a "wise man" can do is to use the current mess situation and grab a historical chance to sell his own revolutionary strategy and make his promised change tangible.

Bush did that by using 911 to overthrow Saddam and rebalanced the power in mid east.

After watching O8's comments on the market plunge, I feel O8 is not going to save the stock market in a rush. His attitude is "don't care, and will focus on the long run for the economy"(I saw some vicious smile when he talked about that).

Right now, there is battle going on between O8 and those WS alligators. It's still hard to say who is going to win out.
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