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送交者: k19 2009月03月29日11:18:47 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Interesting articlesql 于 2009-03-29 11:01:03
Thanks for sharing sql. Hope you will be here more often. A lot of things to discuss. hehehe

Someone said Consumer spending rose marginally in February most due to the tax refund. I think other than that the price going up is another reason.

Personal saving is too little and too late. They will never save enough now.

Still this article take a hold on those lies. Mainly the housing data and durable goods. Let's wait for the reversion first. And we will go from there. They did this kind of things so many times. When people is drowning, they will grab the last straws.

The unemployment is going higher and higher. So what obama has done to stop it??
800 billion pork barrel projects that will not creat or save more than 100k jobs. And they promised to print more money to pay to the banks.
For every good news I can give 100 bad news to go with it.
  I think by "reversion" you - fangemin 03/29/09 (257)
    thanks. short circuit in my - k19 03/29/09 (201)
  You awelcome.Hope can - sql 03/29/09 (297)
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