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There are a lot new born bulls
送交者: ItsScheme 2009月04月06日11:18:46 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: if you believed the market is水滴~ 于 2009-04-06 10:51:52
here and all over the other place. They will be the next victims of this scheme. This rally is a bull trap so far as i can see. Yes, I was expecting a major bottom about 6 weeks ago, and expecting the rally could be 50% off the low in 6 to 12 months. However, the market action (25% in 3 weeks without confirmation) tells me that it is another counter trend rally. So i have to raise my voice bit to negate my previous view to avoid being accused as mis-leading people. ;)

Yes, FA does not matter too much for short term trading. However, in longer term, stocks have to reflect the reality, hence the fundamental. Instead of further investing into the market, those who are long now should look for opportunity to get out.
  I am so proud of you, IS - Press1forEnglish 04/06/09 (276)
    He was a good writer before - 水滴~ 04/06/09 (224)
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