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送交者: QWE 2009月04月17日12:12:49 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: told you it is traders whoItsScheme 於 2009-04-17 09:43:53

Friday, April 17, 2009
Former Goldman Sachs Exec Running the New York Stock Exchange
For the past few days Duncan L. Niederauer, who know runs the NYSE, has been telling the world that the recent rally was not driven by actual fundamentals but rather by trading. This is a wild statement coming from a former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs.

The number show that Goldman Sachs did more program trading during this artificial rally than the next 14 largest program trading companies in the world . . . COMBINED. Moreover, Goldman Sachs did it in their own Principal account.

So if the SEC and the NYSE want to get to the bottom of things like this, I suggest they open an investigation. But that would never happen with a Goldman Sachs man at the helm of the NYSE and Goldman Sachs team members in Washington . . . and beyond.
  not only small retail - ItsScheme 04/19/09 (203)
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