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Yes, indeed!
送交者: 小寒* 2009月05月07日08:31:09 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Small world!Press1forEnglish 於 2009-05-06 15:08:10
I don\'t remember the Model #, technology has changed so much.

That was 20+ years ago, we had a couple of US educated Taiwanese engineers in the office. They were making US$30K-$40K a year (I was making HKD2000ish/month) with apartment rentals paid by the company. Every month, their rich Taiwanese relatives would come to HK to shop, eat, and get hairdos, I was always asked to show them around, take them to shops, and translate Cantonese for them. Their life style was the unthinkable and unreachable to me back then.

I learnt a lot at that company, from speaking English, about American schools, to computers and technical terms.

Good luck to you too, Press1, keep your good sense of humor. :-)
  Thanks for sharing.... - Press1forEnglish 05/07/09 (298)
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