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中央精神是这样的: 发钱给广大劳动群众买房买股票
送交者: 小寒* 2009月05月11日08:47:39 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 小寒,来给讲讲Seawaves 于 2009-05-10 04:10:30
我妈妈以前的同事们, 二十多年前花两三万买的学校住房, 现在要拆迁, 每套破烂的住房照RMB12,000左右/平米折算, 每户人得了近RMB一百万. 看看社会主义的stimulus package多实在!

其实我比你更晕, 假扮清醒罢了 :-)

SP may be consolidating between 900-935 in the next few days, a break of 895-900 indicates the beginning of the retracement, with 836 the first support. If one has profits in the recent move, it may be a good time to take some profits now, or sell some covered calls at least, I think.
  这波长, - 6degrees 05/11/09 (573)
    您老的401K,很准的indicator - Seawaves 05/12/09 (360)
      你说呢?  /无内容 - 6degrees 05/12/09 (267)
        包蜜? - Seawaves 05/12/09 (237)
    你怎么看呢? 银行赢利Q2比Q1淡多了.  /无内容 - 小寒* 05/12/09 (336)
      如果情况不恶化,可能就挺过去了。 - 6degrees 05/12/09 (326)
        是啊,所以我上周末种了两天的地,种了很多蔬菜.:-) - 小寒* 05/12/09 (312)
          Take it easy. Enjoy life.  /无内容 - 6degrees 05/12/09 (271)
            You too. All the best. :-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 05/12/09 (242)
    你怎么看呢? 银行赢利Q2比Q1淡多了.  /无内容 - 小寒* 05/12/09 (168)
      哈哈,那您怎么给您 - Seawaves 05/12/09 (499)
        我半开玩笑对他说: - 小寒* 05/12/09 (473)
          难怪股市上 - Seawaves 05/12/09 (429)
            Hey, here is an idea on Gold - 小寒* 05/12/09 (375)
              thanks for the idea - Seawaves 05/13/09 (200)
            哈哈哈~~笑晕.玩笑的话.我们的男同学都是很优秀的.  /无内容 - 小寒* 05/12/09 (266)
      Can't agree more. - 6degrees 05/12/09 (284)
  感慨啊,姓社姓资的 - Seawaves 05/11/09 (394)
    $90B+ so far out of the $300B - 小寒* 05/11/09 (304)
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