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appreciate all your comments. Here is why I asked
送交者: fishman2 2008月06月19日12:37:16 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: A question for Option expertfishman2 于 2008-06-19 10:13:04
BCE is on hold, waiting for court decision Friday afternoon at 4:30pm, But somehow, the option for this month which expires tomorrow goes up a lot just after that news even the stock price stayed same or a bit higher, which really bothers me since i have written put position gambling the Court would not make decision by Friday.

I just talked to IB, their representive simply saying after 4:30pm Friday, the option exercise request will be done to best effort, but no gurranty. In fact , this is IB rule not a rule by all brokers, which make no sense to me.

legally, If I remember correctly, the option expired on saturday, not Friday. It is really pain even broker like IB don't know a clear answer.

If what ItsScheme said is correct, you can write BCE put NOW and gurantee make money by Tomorrow.
  options expire friday 4:00pm in your case - ItsScheme 06/19/08 (154)
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