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The rules are extremely simple
送交者: free2005 2008月06月19日18:22:11 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: A question for Option expertfishman2 于 2008-06-19 10:13:04
The rules are extremely simple,

1) One has rights if he/she has bought options
2) One does not have any rights if he/she has sold (written) options
3) One has obligations if he/she has sold (written) options and the options are expired in the money

And therefore, if you have sold (written) puts, you do not have any rights (or choices), but if the stock prices drop below the striking price, you have the obligation to purchase the said amount of stocks at the striking price.

There are three ways to close the deal,

1) Sold put bought back
2) Expires worthless
3) You get stock assignment

Also, past is always past when options expire.
  it's all about rights and obligations - free2005 06/19/08 (182)
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