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Cryptocurrency market cap has
送交者: heika 2018年04月27日20:55:40 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

Recent years, the application and development of blockchain has been evoking heat discussion worldwide. Meanwhile, as the bottom technology of blockchain, digital currency appears gradually.

Data showed that bitcoin is the earliest decentralized digital currency. Although numerous competitors appeared afterwards, bitcoin is still the leader in cryptocurrency industry. Currently, the most successful application of blockchain technology is cryptocurrencies, which expand the blockchain further.


According to citicoins.com, ETH price declined by 47.7% in the first quarter of 2018, from $755.76 to $394.65. Additionally, Ripple price declined by 77%, from $2.30 to $0.51.

Also, the leaders of technology industry began to ban the advertisement about cryptocurrency, including google, twitter and facebook.

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