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Folding indifferent from other
送交者: Autoair 2018年05月17日01:54:03 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

The FLDC is a token based on the Bitcoin blockchain and Counterparty protocol that can flow between everyone. FLDC allocates the corresponding currency amount to people who participated in the Folding@Home project based mainly on the size of the calculation and contribution values. When you send FLDC to a wallet, a certain amount of Bitcoin is also sent.


Through this mechanism, players involved in mining can help in medical research and get a certain amount of monetary rewards. This is actually a kind of scientific currency. Compared to other non-meaningful digital currencies, foldingcoin gathers idle computing power through distributed computing to solve the problem that humans need a lot of computing resources to solve.


For those who have always wanted to dig but do not have the opportunity to participate, FLDC's threshold is very low, you can use any CPU (yes, Pentium III can help) Stanford research team to complete the goal of connecting 100 million computers. Another advantage of FLDC is that even if you don't contribute much, your CPU is an integral part of this huge distributed computing network. The Stanford team has successfully connected 170,000 computers.


Obviously, the significance of this project is far greater than the establishment of its own blockchain and the digging of its own copycat currency. If you do not want to participate in mining, you can also help them by actively buying and selling FLDC currency.


At present, it seems that too many people only value the currency properties of Bitcoin, but they ignore the fact that it is a set of technologies that can create value for the world. However, in this world, besides speculating on bitcoins and making money on the other currency, there are still a bunch of people trying to use the blockchain to do something good for humanity. In fact, both are understandable and purely personal. The FLDC is somewhat like finding a balance between utilitarianism and ideals so that the former and the latter do not conflict. "I want to mine to save the world, but you only care about how to use Bitcoin to make money." This "reproach" may be too extreme - then, if you can contribute to the world and you can also harvest a few bitcoins, not Is it wonderful?

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