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05/18LiteDoge Midnight Info
送交者: heika 2018年05月17日20:12:12 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

In the midnight news of 05/18, Magnet (MAG) opened lower than the current limit by more than 10%, down 13.70%, unit price of 0.062239 US dollars, total market value of 1,597,268 US dollars, a comprehensive score of 3.0 points, a comprehensive ranking of 794, 24 hours trading volume of 8021 US dollars, circulation 16894875MAG, the trend of the week has gradually declined.

LiteDoge (LDOGE) fell rapidly today, the overall decline of 39.67%, unit price came to 0.000088 US dollars, a comprehensive ranking of 788, a comprehensive score of 3.1 points, a total market value of 1,320,875 US dollars, 24 hours trading volume of 4,102 US dollars, circulation 16894875LDOGE, a week of ups and downs Investors need to be cautious.

The BiblePay (BBP) floated more smoothly this week. Before the press release, the overall ranking was 793. The overall score was 3.0 points. Today's price rose 3.10%, the unit price was 0.002883 US dollars, the market capitalization was 1,848,127 US dollars, the 24-hour trading volume was 447 US dollars, and the liquidity was 16,894,875BB.

Woodcoin (LOG) today's overall price fell 7.76%, unit price of 0.132515 US dollars, a comprehensive ranking of 838, a comprehensive score of 3.1 points, the total market value of 1,064,784 US dollars, 24 hours trading volume of 7234 US dollars, circulation of 16,894,875 LOG, the overall trend of the week fluctuations are not obvious, but Compared with Bitcoin, price fluctuations are relatively large.

The above sources of information citicoins  official website
Reading extension
1.Magnet  is a cryptocurrency based on mining, high transparency, accessibility, strong community concerns and public principles. The entire network has been established, making full use of the power of blockchain technology to promote new innovative ideas. Magnet is designed to allow anyone to benefit from the digital currency they hold and support.

2.Litedoge   is a cryptocurrency based on Bitcoin source code. It uses cryptography to secure transactions and asset transfers. The process of the creation and operation of the new currency is a kind of equity certification mechanism. The time it takes to build a block is related to the number of coins held in the wallet.

3.Biblepay  is mainly for evangelism. It is a safe deflation blockchain designed to help people in distress. Biblepay currently sponsors more than 200 orphans worldwide every month! At our core, we choose to allow 10% of the blockchain to go directly to the countries of the third world to sponsor orphans. This sponsorship has changed the child's life: a hungry child with no direction can now thrive in churches, schools and child development centers.

4.Woodcoin  (LOG) is an experimental cryptocurrency that is very similar to Bitcoin and shares Bitcoin and two of its successors in the codebase: Litecoin and Quark. The goal of wood coins is to take a long-term perspective and design a currency that is still practicable and long-term stable in the very distant future.

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