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new cryptocurrency
送交者: Autoair 2018年05月23日03:41:53 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

Almost all new cryptocurrency developers have a commonality, which is to continue to use the concept of blockchain to promote the characteristics of their wallets. They mistakenly lead people in the community.


These developers ignore one thing: their so-called wallet features can be applied to almost any one of the competitors, because they have not made any changes to the agreement. Only a few currencies have new wallet features that can affect the underlying protocols of these currencies, or achieve protocol optimization.


The current state of the cryptocurrency ecosystem is like this: Every time a new website is built, the developer directly rewrites the TCP/IP protocol. In fact, we do not need to rewrite the TCP/IP protocol to create a new website, nor do we need to rewrite the BitTorrent specification to create a BT client. Similarly, we do not need to rewrite a new equity certification agreement to create a new wallet software.


The new features should be open source and can be adopted by all digital currency protocols, but speculators want to use the self-proclaimed wallet feature as a gimmick to create a currency that will pull up in the short-term and this will break up. Digital currency community.


The artificially created trend is to allow the currency to rise for a period of time and then fall back to the lowest currency level.

Such as FORCE (FOR)

From Nov 2017 on, the price was stable. After Dec 2017, the price soared and on Jan 4, 2018, Forces price to USD hit the highest at 0.226865 USD. After this peak, the price decreased dramatically and was gradually on a stable trend.


LuckChain price to USD hit the highest at 0.053372 USD on Jan 23th, 2017. From May 2017


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