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How to trim a tree or an economy properly?
送交者: jingchen 2018年11月19日22:47:24 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

How to trim a tree or an economy properly?

A tree is growing well. But we worry that the nutrients are unsustainable. We want to trim the tree to preadapt to the future scarcity. Where should we do the trimming? Shall we harm the root to damage the foundation of the tree? Or shall we cut the overgrown branches to trim the frills? Gardeners will trim the frills .

An economy is growing well. But we worry that the fossil fuels are unsustainable. We want to trim the economy to preadapt to the future scarcity. Where should we do the trimming? Shall we heavily tax resource industry to damage the foundation of the economy? Or shall we heavily tax the luxury industry to trim the frills? 

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