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Berkshire to invest Goldman
送交者: 小寒* 2008年09月23日18:12:04 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
Berkshire, the insurance-focused conglomerate run by Buffett, will invest at least $5 billion in Goldman by buying $5 billion of perpetual preferred stock issued by the investment bank. The securities pay a dividend of 10% and are callable anytime at a 10% premium, meaning Goldman can buy them back at the higher price. Berkshire also gets warrants to purchase $5 billion of Goldman common stock with a strike price of $115 a share. Buffett can exercise these at anytime over five years. Goldman will also sell $2.5 Billion common stocks in a public offering.
  看看這次股神對不對  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 09/23/08 (248)
    對不對都沒關係哦, - 小寒* 09/24/08 (336)
      呵呵, 大河無水小河干,國一定是要愛的. - 小寒* 09/24/08 (188)
        我現在敢換工作嗎? - 6degrees 09/24/08 (190)
          :-( - 小寒* 09/24/08 (132)
      現在只有花街人士最愛國,其他人都比較短見識,呵呵。  /無內容 - 6degrees 09/24/08 (125)
      前兩年股神吵着說要換將,後來沒聽說了  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 09/24/08 (117)
  Future up 100 points - 6degrees 09/23/08 (207)
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