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this is for k19
送交者: 掃盲教育 2008年10月29日06:47:58 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
judging from your posts, you, a newbie which you claimed, soon will be a deadbie, people see what they've learned. what have you learned? you are not 19 years old, maybe less than 19 months. you haven't wean yet. if purely lucky and you made some, get out and learn more before reenter the market. you will be wiped out soon no matter bulls or bears. I am more bearish than you probably and I am long often, your operation seems trying to kill yourself. Also if you are really a 娘們, then speculation is not for you. Your husband--- SHE will either dump or sell you after you lose everything, sorry for the harsh words; however, it's nothing comparing to the market that make you swoon. you will wet your pants, not losing it. suggest you wear a few diapers.
  Ok, I give you a chance. - k19 10/31/08 (154)
  hahaha. dealt with a lot of - k19 10/31/08 (161)
    暈! 那篇文章見不得人. 幸好文庫翻新了 - 小寒* 10/29/08 (226)
      很好的文章啊。小富由勤,大富由命,勉強不來的:)  /無內容 - 365 10/29/08 (173)
  不同的人有不同的看法和計劃嗎。 - 6degrees 10/29/08 (307)
    there are people in this world - k19 10/31/08 (199)
    我沒有說支持他的做法啊。 - 6degrees 10/29/08 (187)
  呵呵~~ 掃盲教育第一課: 娘們是褒義還是貶義?  /無內容 - 小寒* 10/29/08 (371)
    Funny that there are chinese - k19 10/31/08 (152)
    寒妹按劍,不怒自威!  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 10/29/08 (281)
      那不成"十三妹"了? :-))  /無內容 - 小寒* 10/29/08 (191)
        十三妹是大蝦,寒妹是龍蝦:)  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 10/30/08 (121)
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