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it is time to go long bit and
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月11日10:53:46 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
bit for swing traders today and tomorrow. anf fully positioned into long before the end of the week. This down movement flattened bit today. and today is the 5th day since last swing high. the previous rally happened in 6th day after swing high. next rally will come no late than friday's close if there are no really big bad news and the chart does not twist.
  Hard to say now. - k19 11/11/08 (209)
  多等幾天.耐心  /無內容 - QWE 11/11/08 (374)
    nay, we are approaching the - ItsScheme 11/11/08 (438)
      阿陰看長到哪裡?  /無內容 - 6degrees 11/11/08 (250)
        i'm afraid to say that - ItsScheme 11/11/08 (260)
        沒有結結實實把底做好, 反彈不起來的 - QWE 11/11/08 (183)
      少買一點可以 - QWE 11/11/08 (370)
          交易量太小, 這種震倉, 一般是假動作  /無內容 - QWE 11/11/08 (236)
            when drop in the morning - ItsScheme 11/11/08 (210)
  wow, spx already 10 points up - ItsScheme 11/11/08 (226)
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