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"Tripple Bottom Doesn't Hold"
送交者: cibc1 2008年11月14日06:25:55 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
Back from a biz trip. Did Paulson say yesterday that financial institutions' problems are "stabilized"? Freddie just asked for another $13.8B today, and more to come. When the SP trades below 850 again, it will fall thru.
  2002-2003 大低應算3B麼  /無內容 - Yani 11/15/08 (162)
    I was refering to the - cibc1 11/15/08 (139)
      這有個圖 - Yani 11/15/08 (138)
  trend for days or months or?  /無內容 - doublebb 11/14/08 (135)
    If I knew,I wouldn't be here:) - cibc1 11/14/08 (145)
  is this a quantum principle? - Yani 11/14/08 (203)
    I don't know, that's one of - cibc1 11/14/08 (181)
  HFs 近來一直是極有理性的出倉,步伐整齊  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 11/14/08 (266)
    兄長好! News says - cibc1 11/14/08 (195)
    I agree.opex comming - k19 11/14/08 (149)
  現在連小寒同學也玩命唱衰呀? - 6degrees 11/14/08 (374)
    這世道, 唔唱衰都唔搭 :-)  /無內容 - cibc1 11/14/08 (277)
      小寒是四川人還是廣東人啊  /無內容 - QWE 11/14/08 (246)
        唔話俾你知. :) - cibc1 11/14/08 (242)
          哈哈, 我 - QWE 11/15/08 (219)
            你好嘢! 梗叻! 嘿嘿 :-)  /無內容 - cibc1 11/15/08 (198)
      花街人估計最後都要給炒魷魚了。  /無內容 - 6degrees 11/14/08 (176)
        :-) 炒了就不心煩了,回家種地去.  /無內容 - cibc1 11/14/08 (111)
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