Please feel free to add more:
Mar. 17: Bear Stearns goes. The end begins.
Jul. 14: IndyMac is seized.
Sep. 8: Fannie and Freddie collapse.
Sep. 15: Lehman bankrupts. AIG gets bailed out. BofA buys Merrill.
Sep. 17: Reserve Primary breaks the buck.
Sep. 22: Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs become Bank Holding Companies. No more independent I-banks.
Sep. 25: JPMorgan buys WaMu.
Oct. 9-10: Market Meltdown.
Nov. 5: Obama elected as the 1st minority as US President
Nov. 20: Markets hit (interim?) bottom.
Dec. 12: Madoff Scandal
Dec. 16: Fed lower the interest rate to 0% - 0.25%
Dec. 19: Automakers get their bailout.