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Again, buying in a bear market
送交者: k19 2009年01月14日09:36:51 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
is a fools game. people never learn. I hate to be here and saying this only when market dropped. I just have not come here at all lately. Not much to learn here at all. Tired of the bsing and tired of people bashing. People here are not nice. So good luck to your all. See you at 400.
  If I recollect correctly, - 枯木朽株 01/14/09 (502)
    I don't know what to say. - k19 01/14/09 (319)
      Nortel Networks Corp filed bk  /無內容 - k19 01/14/09 (276)
      BAC - k19 01/14/09 (218)
        Very interesting! - 枯木朽株 01/16/09 (170)
    "your market opinions"  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 01/14/09 (230)
    :-))  /無內容 - 笑菡 01/14/09 (347)
      what's happening right now? - Yani 01/14/09 (402)
        Nothing is happening... - 笑菡 01/14/09 (426)
          has  /無內容 - 笑菡 01/14/09 (343)
            steven jobs - Yani 01/14/09 (310)
              Oh, God/Pusa bless him! - 笑菡 01/14/09 (331)
                笑菡 - Yani 01/15/09 (318)
                  yes.  /無內容 - 笑菡 01/15/09 (218)
                  i guess - Yani 01/15/09 (232)
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