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Unbelievable low life.
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年01月29日09:39:09 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
Accuse other's poor English? Again, in just this short message: ***You need an English training I think you need to take an English course, say from a local community college to improve your writing skills.*** you have the following problems: (some) English training---not: an English training. training in English---not: English training (chinglish!) I think (that) you---not: I think you. (please write formal English) community college, to improve---not: community college to improve. writing skill---not: writing skills. Other than above miserable grammar and problematic words you had, I can see that you have difficulty in rhetoric; you have difficulty in expression yourself and very little vocabulary. I can further deduce that you have logic problem. Maybe you even have problem to communicate with others in you mother language. Are you a Chinese? Shame!!! From 2 short messages you wrote, by using very loose structure in written English, you presented yourself that you are not a native born here and perhaps you even don’t have formal post secondary education either in China or here since your thought is not a typical English speaking person's. Do you work in Chinatown? If you want to prove that you are good at English, please refer some publications of yours, or shut up and grow up!
  not necessary to divide - 水滴~ 01/29/09 (224)
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