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i just can't believe such
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年02月24日09:45:43 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
kind of coincidence that 2 pairs IP have same IP address and bundle together, and these IDs have such close relation each other in terms communication in that group. It is a small world, right? Don't give me bullshit. You bring all these IDs into the communication. You offered us a legal opportunity to exam all these IDs thoroughly. A summons will be send to all IDs IP to collect all ID's residency and the real name of the IDs. If convicted, you also have to pay the cost for the filing. Don't worry, step by step.
  what's your purpose to - Yani 02/24/09 (417)
    I'm talking about libel - ItsScheme 02/24/09 (285)
      who libel whom? - Yani 02/24/09 (253)
        and more, we will be seeking - ItsScheme 02/24/09 (209)
        here - ItsScheme 02/24/09 (171)
    Thanks! But he just made it up  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 02/24/09 (382)
      The whole ID stuff is fake  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 02/24/09 (346)
        I'm talking about collect - ItsScheme 02/24/09 (208)
        為何版主不出澄清?難道 ItsScheme 就是版主?  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 02/24/09 (322)
          A libel must have substance! - 枯木朽株 02/24/09 (394)
            not enough here? - ItsScheme 02/24/09 (323)
              Don't kid yourself bro - cankao 02/24/09 (287)
                Thanks a lot!  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 02/24/09 (232)
                lol, all these libeb are the - ItsScheme 02/24/09 (139)
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