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US Banking collapsing
送交者: k19 2009年04月20日06:32:34 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
  Wanna follow that extremist - 西鍋 04/21/09 (157)
  Wikipedia on Hal Turner - 小寒* 04/20/09 (690)
    這個時候敢造謠的,估計要被法辦吧? - 6degrees 04/20/09 (339)
        可是 - 6degrees 04/20/09 (307)
          沒有不透風的牆。  /無內容 - 6degrees 04/20/09 (238)
      it is all about $ - JR98 04/20/09 (226)
    Govt told GS and jPm not - k19 04/20/09 (511)
      Which gov't doesn't? - 小寒* 04/20/09 (510)
        You can't handle the truth.  /無內容 - 6degrees 04/20/09 (224)
          "can't" typo. :-) - 小寒* 04/20/09 (237)
        too bad, many bet their life - k19 04/20/09 (432)
          for whom that like to bet - JR98 04/20/09 (465)
            too bad, there are many - k19 04/20/09 (541)
        haha, which gov doesn't? -:)  /無內容 - JR98 04/20/09 (227)
  好象是個簡單的謠言  /無內容 - JR98 04/20/09 (336)
    Does it matter if it is a - ItsScheme 04/20/09 (317)
      whether it matters - JR98 04/20/09 (321)
        fair nuf. rumors are everywher - ItsScheme 04/20/09 (253)
      People never learn. - k19 04/20/09 (263)
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內 容 (選填項):
回國機票$360起 | 商務艙省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出爐:海航獲五星
海外華人福利!在線看陳建斌《三叉戟》熱血歸回 豪情築夢 高清免費看 無地區限制
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