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送交者: shychi 2010年04月16日05:49:28 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話


Sick of the guessing game?


Sick of risking your hard earned money on a piece of news, or even worse, unpredictable reaction to the news like this, supposedly good news gets bad reaction that makes no sense? GOOG made good example at April 15. It just goes to show trying to forecast earnings don't help predict the price! The chart says it all. The drop in the early January 2010 clearly broken a long term uptrend, and GOOG has never been able to recover back to that support level. What is more is that there is a resistance line from the top that is capping the stock from going up. http://screenulator.com/cgi-bin/search_symbol?symbol=goog

Well there is no safe stock so you must DIVERSIFY! Automated Stock Screener (www.screenulator.com) would help you to screen for dozens of potential trading candidates, and you will never have to guess and speculate EVER AGAIN!



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