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送交者: shychi 2010年04月25日09:56:27 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

Screenulator.com is a new innovative tool to help you screen thousands of high potential stocks daily by the various chart patterns and/or technical analysis paramters of your choice. It is easy to use and takes little time to learn, yet it just as powerful as some of the softwares and tools professional traders use. Learn how to make solid and reliable income by trading stock with automated trendline detections and technical analysis alerts.

For example, there has been many "Flat channel breakout" patterns in the past 2 weeks, lots of trading opportunities... DOV, ECPG, GDI, HITT, HOV, IDXX, MDC, PPD, SM, SNWL, SYNA, USG are all had flat channel breakouts. This is a very strong bullish pattern. Also check out other patterns see http://www.screenulator.com/cgi-bin/view_screen?id=12

for more similar patterns

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