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送交者: 小小小學生 2010年05月01日06:37:35 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
Inflation?Inflation?Inflation?Only Inflation The Way Out?

Hu Qi Dog Thoughts?

American Fed is inflating everything through printing unlimited amount of toilet paper called US Dollar? Actually the only American economical game is zero interest rate inflation?

EU has no other choice than inflating the economy and assets?PIIGS countries skyhigh debt has only one way ticket of inflating out?

Japan is still facing enormous deflating threats?The only Japanese way out of the deep financial trouble is inflation?

China is facing increased inflation and currently is trying to curtail inflation threats?But the only Chinese financial game is still the moderate inflation?Without moderate inflation, the Chinese economy will turn south?

The world economy is recovering through the only inflation stimulation through printing paper cash and increasing more credits?

Inflation is the only way out?

No wonder Gold is the king?
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2009: 大家好, 我今天想認真地請教個問題: