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送交者: shychi 2010年05月11日09:55:51 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

The best way to trade in a market correcting is to buy beaten down quality stocks. The best timing is when they are close to their long term support, by trendline analysis.


According to the following technical analysis, THM is near support level detected on May 10th, among the screen results.

Here are few screen results such as: MMR, RBY, VLGER……

For more stock choices results and other screeners based on chart patterns and trendlines, go to




What is the significance of the patterns and trendlines?
A: There is a wealth of information you can learn about trendlines and chart patterns, such as this. They are among the oldest concepts in technical analysis, but they are also the most subjective and difficult to identify. There is no formula you can just plug in and get the results. Most require human eyes and experience. However, with the semi-heuristic algorithm I have developed, it is possible to identify these patterns and lines with computer. There are some false positives so you still need manual confirmation, but this saves a lot of time and effort by not having to scan through all charts manually.


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