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送交者: deliver 2012年05月20日10:42:02 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

下面是從Facebook Message Board 來的。都是大家可能都懂的簡單道理, 即現代富人致富的途徑之一。很多中國人對富人崇拜得不得了, 理解得不得了。相當於被別人賣了,還幫他們數錢。


You have to understand a couple of things about Wall Street before buying stocks.

- Wall Street doesn't print money. So in order for the rich to make money, they have to take it from the poor because it's easier to take it from the poor than take it from another rich person or group

- Wall Street is a place where companies can raise money via IPO's. This is a nice way of saying a company can borrow money but don't have to pay it back. If you buy and then sell your FB stocks, you're not selling it back to FB, you're selling it to another buyer. FB doesn't have to pay back the loan. I personally would love to have this type of loans.

I think you could see how Wall Street could easily scam people out of money. If FB really is that valuable and if Suckerberg and his pals really were going to put the money back into the business, they could have borrow the money from a bank. But no bank could give them $16 billion and no bank would trust them either. If FB could borrow the money, the money has to go back to the business. On the other hand, Suckerberg and his pals sold stocks, they don't necessary have to put the money back into the company. It's one big scam but FB IPO is one of the biggest. The scammers were working together as a team from analysts to broker. Media kept the hypes going.

Even if you end up making money trading FB stocks, you still got Suckerbergged. That's because you took a LOT of risk to get little reward. The rich took no risk and got a lot of reward.


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