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today we might see the top of
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月03日08:45:46 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
this swing from around low of 840. if spx still range bounce around this level, say below 975, in next 2 or 3 hours. Then long need looking for opportunity to exit. If spx keeps this small day range (less than 15 points) so far till close, then a distribution day will be labeled. Short entry is advised by the close today or early tomorrow. if friday's low is taken out late today, i would not hesitate to exit the long(i am flat now) at market price but a lot profit vapourated though. Anything above 990 will invalid above assessment. so adjust your position accordingly. in between 975 and 990 is a grey area. one has to weight the probability toward either side. but it'll be clear by close.
  401K starts back to market now - doublebb 11/04/08 (211)
    Fib 50% is around 1070 - ItsScheme 11/03/08 (335)
      今后几个月内, 趋势是以上涨为主 - QWE 11/03/08 (327)
        Fib 50% is around 1070 - ItsScheme 11/03/08 (232)
  welcome back, Mr. scheme - Yani 11/03/08 (221)
    that's a possibility to keep - ItsScheme 11/03/08 (204)
  小心把PG烧糊了,呵呵。  /无内容 - 6degrees 11/03/08 (233)
    that's why i'll let market pla - ItsScheme 11/03/08 (243)
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