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My son's Economy 101
送交者: 小寒* 2009年01月10日19:23:11 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
Back in Oct, I had ask my 10 year old son to write down what he has learnt about our current economy from the media, I had forgotten it since. I just found this on his computer, could stop laughing... * * * October 2008 The Economy Current rating in my opinion: stupid The cause, according to several radio shows, are corrupt politicians, sub-prime loan’s. The stocks have had their biggest plunge in years. The Dow has dipped below 8000 at times. Lehman Brothers has gone out of business; Morgan Stanley might be next; and AIG had to be bailed out twice, the second time because 100 employees went on vacation with government’s money. The government has called for a $700 billion bailout plan several times. In other words, a bailout of $700,000,000,000. that’s a lot of cash! The presidential candidates have different ideas. John McCain plans to decrease government spending; on the other hand, Obama plans to raise government spending along with taxes. The economy might have a depression again, right now it’s a recession.
  感谢天才妈妈,给牛年带来牛文。  /无内容 - Yani 01/12/09 (319)
    Yani牛年万事享通!  /无内容 - 小寒* 01/12/09 (166)
    猛一看你这贴,俺读成“感谢老干妈,。。。”,扫锐。  /无内容 - 6degrees 01/12/09 (284)
        it's alleged that - Yani 01/12/09 (336)
          原来如此! 还有我喜欢的去核话梅肉, - 笑菡 01/12/09 (319)
            看样子,所谓有毒食品,有助于智力发展,呵呵。  /无内容 - 6degrees 01/13/09 (246)
              哈哈, 那要舍命求智了. :-))  /无内容 - 小寒* 01/13/09 (230)
  后生可畏。妈妈劳苦功高!  /无内容 - 水滴~ 01/11/09 (221)
    呵呵, 水滴新年好!  /无内容 - 小寒* 01/12/09 (222)
  好棒的儿子.才10岁? Amazing.  /无内容 - 慕容飘雪 01/11/09 (373)
    你的网名象个武侠, 好听. :-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 01/12/09 (273)
      慕容飘雪、司马如烟、叶天涯、欧阳馨儿...  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 01/12/09 (267)
        下流!  /无内容 - 慕容飘雪 01/12/09 (217)
          啊! 飘雪请息怒! 枯木兄开玩笑的, 罚他吟诗赎罪吧:-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 01/12/09 (202)
            多承寒妹接下一阵,愚兄面壁去也!  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 01/12/09 (171)
        呵呵~~古狗了一下, 愚妹真是孤陋寡闻, 落伍太远了:-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 01/12/09 (214)
    谢谢! 飘雪是新同学? 问好! :-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 01/12/09 (261)
      是的,你好。请多关照。 - 慕容飘雪 01/12/09 (288)
        互相关照. :-) - 小寒* 01/12/09 (192)
  菡妹后继有人!  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 01/11/09 (333)
    就等着二十年后开母子档卖打药了, 嘿嘿... :-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 01/12/09 (282)
      打虎亲兄弟,上阵母子兵!  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 01/12/09 (228)
  The little one should - 6degrees 01/11/09 (271)
    哈, 就等 - 小寒* 01/12/09 (208)
  这是天才。鉴定完毕。。。 - free2005 01/10/09 (384)
    嘿嘿, 天才与傻小子只在一念之差. 祝你新年万事如意.:-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 01/11/09 (384)
      小寒*新年快乐。。。心想事成,09发财。。。  /无内容 - free2005 01/12/09 (287)
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