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送交者: 汪翔 2010年04月13日08:59:14 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话








附录∶Ambac Jumps 70% After Reporting Profit

 4/9/10 | Dow Jones 

By Alistair Barr

Ambac Financial Group Inc. (ABK) shares surged 70% on heavy volume Friday, after the bond insurer said it swung to a fourth-quarter net profit.

Ambac said late Thursday that quarterly net income was $558.1 million, or $1.93 a share. That compares with a net loss of $2.34 billion or $8.14 a share in the same period a year earlier.

The improvement was mainly driven by a $472 million tax benefit, the company said, as well as by lower expenses from losses in its main financial-guarantee business.

Total net loss and loss expenses were $385.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2009, down from $916.4 million in the final quarter of 2008, Ambac reported.

Ambac, one of the world's largest bond insurers, has been hit hard by losses from mortgage-related guarantees it sold during the housing-market boom of the last decade. When the real-estate market collapsed, Ambac was left paying big claims on those guarantees.

Last month, the regulator of Ambac's main bond-insurance subsidiary, Wisconsin's Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, seized a big chunk of its business to protect hundreds of billions of dollars in guarantees on municipal bonds.

Ambac also has been settling some of its obligations at large discounts, partly because counterparties worry that the bond insurer is too financially precarious to pay anywhere near 100 cents on the dollar on its guarantees.

"The transfer of structured finance obligations to the state regulator and the subsequent payment at a discounted rate is a de-facto default," said Egan-Jones Ratings, a rating agency that's paid by investors rather than issuers, on Friday. "However, credit quality of the remaining corpus is enhanced."

Egan-Jones affirmed its rating on Ambac at BB+, but noted this rating only applies to the business units that aren't seized by the Wisconsin regulator.

Shares of Ambac dropped after the seizure was announced, and recently traded near 50 cents. The company's stock traded close to $100 before the financial crisis.

On Friday, the stock surged 70% to $1.09 as almost 140 million shares changed hands. The average weekly trading volume is 72 million shares, according to FactSet data.

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