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1 Way to Look at Fiscal Cliff
送交者: extradollar 2012年12月30日09:30:25 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话

We attempt to gauge how much FC will impact stock markets. Take S&P 500. Its current level is 1,402. Recent peak is 1,474. Recent low is 1,258. Assume the index drop 10% going over the cliff, flat if the cliff is postponed and increase 10% if a deal is reached to address fiscal cliff. The probability of 60%, 10% and 30% are assigned to the above scenarios respectively. It follows the probability weighted expected index value is 1,360 (email us if you have any question). At 1,360, it is implied that the index drops 3.0% from current level, 7.7% from recent peak but is still 8.1% better than recent low. Fiscal cliff feels bad but it might not be as scary as the term implies. Individual stocks presumably react to FC differently. Through careful portfolio review and positioning, investors may be able to sleep better in the days ahead.

Chart forS&P 500 (^GSPC)

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