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05/16 spectrecoin&Waves Commun
送交者: heika 2018年05月15日23:25:54 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话

05/16 cottage currency last market report, Spectrecoin (XSPEC) According to press time prices aggregate fell by 5.13%, the unit price of $ 0,414732, a comprehensive rank 548, made up to hit 3.3 points, the total market value of $ 8,620,314, A 24-hour trading volume of $ 26312, circulation 16894875XSPEC, total fluctuation is not a rapid decline after extreme rises, investors pay more attention!

Waves Community Token  (WCT) as of now great price drop, down 10,64%, a price of $ 0,828366, made up to hit 3.4 points. Classification 543, the entire market value of $ 8,258,475, a trading volume of $ 953.201 a day liquidity 16894875WCT, week tendency more volatile.

Myssterium (Myst) one week's tendency of relatively large fluctuations in relative prices fell slightly before one week, prices fell by 2.88 percent today, a price of $ 0,411352, made up to hit 302 points, ranked 561 in total, with a total market value of $ 7.992.168, a 24-hour trading volume of $ 165,374, Flux 16894875MYST, the data is only for production tests.

CommerceBlock  (TCC) a week is almost not fluctuating, the trend is very stable, as of press time before prices rose 4.32%, priced at $ 0.051114, a wide range 522, the entire market value of $ 8,855,777, 24-hour trading volume of $ 54,163, circulation 16894875CBT.

Above source citicoins  official website

Reading extension
1.spectrecoin  (xspec) is the most important for the privacy code encryption currency, with effective algorithms to protect proof, providing a fast transaction confirmation, and also fully integrated tor net privacy + obfs4 layer.

2. The Waves' flooring blocks are a customizable token application and a community project. Now, the platform already has a basic function of jets and currently developing projects approved screening intelligent crowdfunding mechanism. This will attract community attention and review of some new projects to be released, and will bring more exposure to real projects. It can be seen as a specific type of DAO (decentralized autonomous organizations), but also to ensure good security through the center of a certain degree.

3. Mysterium  Network is based on the block chain VPN market and insurance follows anonymous web relations. Mysterium Foundation is a dense chain block chain start-up organization dedicated to the construction of the virtual network of VPN, so that everyone can secure anonymous internet connection. Users can share their free broadband in the system to earn a replacement currency. The MYST-tocs were used on the dense chain platform and were formally sold on May 30. In the current market, the public needs to fully trust the centralized servants of VPN and transmit their private information to them. The appearance of dense chains will make an alternative solution to the central P2P, and users will recover autonomy. The dense chain is also a service provided by a VPN service that depends on Ethereum blockchain technology. A dense chain network is designed to improve all the time and those privacy technology to spy our big businesses, governments and other beings are struggling. This dense chain open source source p2p platform to talk - hidden codes do not act against the will of others, no hidden or centralized server to steal data to others

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