The Russian miner’s currency (RMC) fell 27% against the US dollar during the day ending at 5:00 a.m. May 1. It is now possible to purchase a Russian miner’s coin at a price of approximately US$5,193.33 or 0.70055400 BTC on major exchanges including BitFlip and Kuna. The total market value of Russia's Miner Coin reached US$7.81 million. In the past 24 hours, the exchange's value of the Russian Miner Coin was US$5,511.00. In the past seven days, the Russian miners’ currency fell 11% against the US dollar.
The current market value of the TX TransferCoin (TX) cryptocurrency is 5,536,356 and is traded around $0.85. Circulating Supply: 6,476,619 TX. The volume of transactions in the past 24 hours has been recorded at 419,406 USD. Looking at some historical price information, we noticed that TX TransferCoin (TX) had a -5.17% change in the past 24 hours and a -22.83% change in the past 7 days.