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Total value of gold and some related numbers
送交者: jingchen 2019年01月25日17:21:44 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话

Total value of gold and some related numbers 

Today there are about 400,000 ton of gold worldwide. The total value is about 10 trillion dollars. 

For comparison, US annual GDP is about 20 trillion, global annual GDP is about 100 trillion, China GDP is 12 trillion USD (83 trillion CNY).

On money supply, US M2 level is about 14 trillion, China M2 level is over 20 trillion US dollars (182 trillion CNY). US China trade deficit is about 300 billion dollars a year.

Ratio of M2 to GDP.  US:14/20 = 0.7.   China:182/83= 2.2. 

From these numbers, is it possible to return to a monetary system based on gold standard? Is the size of economy and size of money supply today too big for gold to support the monetary system?

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