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送交者: 6degrees 2008年06月20日10:22:08 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
感觉一直是orderly retreat。而且事前还似乎是平安无事的时候,Feds就提前提醒 大银行赶快揽现金,只能说Feds心知肚明将要发生的事。 那Feds和股市在预示着什么?换句话说,股市在等什么?等到了,估计VIX就要飞了。
  实际上很简单,我是这么认为的, - 6degrees 06/21/08 (341)
    战术胜利 and 战略空间  /无内容 - free2005 06/21/08 (130)
    至少我要将赌注压在乐观的一方。 - free2005 06/21/08 (263)
        like with blackjack: dealer may bust soon - free2005 06/21/08 (187)
    Typo: 职业投资者的(已经降低的)预见  /无内容 - 6degrees 06/21/08 (118)
    Typo: 职业投资者的(已经降低的)预见  /无内容 - 6degrees 06/21/08 (113)
  Last time, small investors ran away. This - taxus 06/20/08 (238)
  VIX has nothing to do with price level - ItsScheme 06/20/08 (307)
    You are right. - 6degrees 06/20/08 (276)
      judging by this forum, you can conclude that - ItsScheme 06/20/08 (279)
    你观察的对,但不是我要问的。 - 6degrees 06/20/08 (289)
      没有Panic的原因是指数未破三月的底 - sunt 06/20/08 (249)
        This time they did perfectly. - 6degrees 06/20/08 (222)
      今年除了选举,还有什么? :) - FUUNNY 06/20/08 (285)
        yes! also tax policy change. - 水滴~ 06/20/08 (159)
        I hope people can all contribute to the thinking. - 6degrees 06/20/08 (268)
          Typo: Saturday  /无内容 - 6degrees 06/20/08 (180)
  NASDAQ还没见底 - FUUNNY 06/20/08 (258)
    Feds know this in advance? :)  /无内容 - 6degrees 06/20/08 (169)
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