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on jun 17, we expect spx to hit 1310
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年06月24日12:34:35 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
in 10 sessions. it actually takes only 5 sessions to get there today. Now what? Is today's high of 1326 a mild bounce of top or further bounce high is coming? anyone? Though the weakness of the market does not warrant a significant bounce, we are approaching the end of second Q or half year, one has to take the window dressing into consideration in next few sessions.
  If there is no window dressing, then - free2005 06/24/08 (123)
  Window dressing,bikini or business suits?  /无内容 - 大洋两岸 06/24/08 (115)
    i'll take your view into my next spin. - ItsScheme 06/24/08 (146)
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