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有兴趣看天象的朋友请进: The Tropics
送交者: 小寒* 2008年07月03日09:21:29 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
Atlantic ocean temperature is getting warmer. We had the first named storm "Bertha" today. Bertha is just off the coast of Africa, and is forecasted to head into the open sea, but psychologically, the season has started. Today's inventory # was in the estimated range, which was not bearish. There is another area of interest just passed the Lesser Antillies, some weather models tracking it towards US. It may not develop at all, but will keep the market firm as long as the models are picking it up.
  you trade hurricane? hehe - Yani 07/03/08 (153)
  谢谢,下了两个单,都还没填上  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 07/03/08 (163)
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