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I thank you all for your patro
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年07月08日21:48:17 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
I thank you all for your patron of this forum. Your generous nickels and dimes or quarters and bucks donation to the financial market are greatly appreciated. Without your donation, my account can’t have this kind of performance. On Apr 11, my account reached 50% gain. Today it reached 100% gain. It is the consistency performance you need to grow your account. Will update shortly when daily statement ready.
  just cut loss yesterday!! - free2005 07/08/08 (229)
    why can't make a living? - ItsScheme 07/08/08 (230)
  here is the update... - ItsScheme 07/08/08 (251)
    Apparently, I’m long as of today’s close. - ItsScheme 07/08/08 (212)
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