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Warren Buffett will go bk
送交者: k19 2008年10月22日14:06:06 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
If we have a 1929 kind of crash. Becuase he wrote 5 billions worth of puts on SP500. Even if he does not have to pay right away. But mark to market will make him bankrupt before 2025. He is a human not god.
  May be he thinks he is the god - 小寒* 10/23/08 (266)
    yeap, and only to find out - k19 10/23/08 (159)
  I am buying puts on spy - k19 10/22/08 (328)
    PUT明天能见好就收吧 - QWE 10/22/08 (319)
      It could happen. but at the - k19 10/22/08 (308)
        赫赫, BULL也有获利的时候, TIMING才重要 - QWE 10/23/08 (194)
          extremly dangers going long - k19 10/23/08 (161)
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