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Shorts tried very hard today
送交者: 小寒* 2008年10月23日13:51:04 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
to push the market down, but unsuccessful. The market is still consolidating in the 8000-10000 range. Institutional traders are just playing the range, do not panic. Bulls - bears, wallstreet - mainstreet, oil producing countries - consuming counties, borrowers - lenders, east - west, economists - politicians, all sectors; etc... We have all enjoyed the bull ride the last 10-15 year in different ways, now the world economy is in the down cycle, so we all have to pay for our dues. :-) It may take some time, but the market will find the balance again. For the mid term, I like to long energy producers short spy, long large US banks short spy play. Long RMB. :-)
  Only regional banks still have - k19 10/23/08 (359)
    这位同学, 你好. 没有那么可怕的啦 :-) - 小寒* 10/23/08 (258)
      hehe, we will see. not - k19 10/23/08 (247)
        Oh, my lord! - 小寒* 10/24/08 (210)
          heheh, - k19 10/25/08 (117)
  S&P 900 乃兵家必争之地,守不住就看700了  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 10/23/08 (246)
    因万维虫,无法跟菡妹的贴:( - 枯木朽株 10/23/08 (227)
      股神也是政府和大公司"请"出来说话的. - 小寒* 10/23/08 (255)
        晚安:)  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 10/23/08 (138)
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