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good morning america, lol. LOL
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月05日08:38:36 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
PP烧糊了吗? here it is! 6 度兄. ESZ8 2008-11-04, 15:58:42 GLOBEX -5 1,006.5000 1,003.2000 -251,625.00 -12.00 -251,613.00 825.00 O ESZ8 2008-11-04, 16:11:45 GLOBEX 4 1,002.0000 1,003.2000 200,400.00 -9.60 200,409.60 240.00 C I’m sitting on closed 4 contracts at a profit of 825 + 240 = $1065 in 13 minutes and 3 seconds. And another 1 contract at profit of still running. Instead of figuring out top and bottom, why not just focus on the up and down and making profit? whining does not bring profit at all. On Oct 31 night I knocked everyone’s door ask for trick and treat (缺口气). Oh, well......Wait for Apr fool now.
    seems to me this counter trend - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (406)
      the up channel is in - Yani 11/05/08 (271)
        yea, it is very flat... - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (231)
      Good observation and timing - Yani 11/05/08 (311)
        i'm waiting for better price - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (234)
          sound very interesting - Yani 11/05/08 (250)
            shiiiiiiii.... - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (148)
      我喜欢做比较大的几天SWING,少做每日的震荡 - QWE 11/05/08 (265)
        the nature of the securities - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (235)
          从我的判断指标上看, NAZ会跌得比较多 - QWE 11/05/08 (343)
            i hardly look at naz for - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (238)
              估计要等几个月, 才会再大跌  /无内容 - QWE 11/05/08 (232)
                yes mid term low is in. - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (203)
  ok ok, coverd short at 970, - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (166)
    the trend line drop 5 points - ItsScheme 11/05/08 (147)
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