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送交者: 小寒* 2008年11月05日09:16:09 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
Bought the bottom last monday, has more than 20% so far. Taking the most of them off the table now, only left some, but LONG and SHORT are balanced. Long a combination of energy stocks (xle, solar) and infrastructure stocks (Obama play), short ES. Will be traveling a lot this month, no time to focus on the equity market. Dennis Gartman recommends to put on a modest length on CBI, DRYS, AA, X, (I like VMC too), buy DBA under $26, and short the broad market(SPY or SDS). He also recommends to go short TLT or TLH at some point, the bond market has rallied recently, with the increase government spending, US has to issue more debts, and long term bonds will come off. Have fun everyone. :-)
  谢谢分享 - sunshine 11/05/08 (158)
  祝贺!  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 11/05/08 (176)
    有份礼物要送给兄长和yani,希望这个周末能完成 :-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 11/05/08 (182)
      恭候:)  /无内容 - 枯木朽株 11/06/08 (132)
  have to admire your judement - Yani 11/05/08 (385)
      QID  /无内容 - doublebb 11/05/08 (275)
        是啊, 现在要灵活机动. - 小寒* 11/05/08 (336)
          你看现在进点大陆和香港股如何?  /无内容 - doublebb 11/05/08 (222)
            我不跟A股, 说不上来. - 小寒* 11/05/08 (254)
              是有点寒气逼人,华尔街给新总统的下马威, 够狠的! - doublebb 11/05/08 (164)
    SWING是最好的办法 - QWE 11/05/08 (262)
      你是股神,不一样的  /无内容 - Yani 11/05/08 (184)
  干得好  /无内容 - QWE 11/05/08 (269)
    还要谢谢你! 跟党走没错. :-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 11/05/08 (185)
  have good trips. - egghead1 11/05/08 (289)
    Thank you! - 小寒* 11/05/08 (253)
      you are right about - egghead1 11/05/08 (231)
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