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a well defined intraday
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月06日10:10:14 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
decline wedge. a wide wedge. may change to a channel. the bulk of movement of this down swing is over. we might see few more small down days with zigzag. 895 is a short term support. one may start pick up some if spx below touch 900. there are 3 possibilities in next few sessions. 1, drop to below 900 and then back up swing. this is a continution of counter trend rally, and we will see above 1000 again before OE. 2, if drop further to 850 to 875, then a sideway movement, a range of 840 to 1000 for few more weeks. last one is take out oct 10 low, that, nobody willing to bet on it for now unless some real bad news again. oh, i already said so few days ago. dont forget you positions though.
  oh, man we break out to the up - ItsScheme 11/06/08 (331)
    It does not look good Monday - k19 11/07/08 (231)
  i'm bet on first one since - ItsScheme 11/06/08 (343)
    buy buy buy, hoho  /无内容 - Yani 11/06/08 (262)
      seems to me you are riding - ItsScheme 11/06/08 (249)
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