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intraday symmetrical triangle
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月07日09:40:05 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
is formed. given last 2 days push down. MMs haven't have chance to accumulate the shares yet. so up side break is unlikely. a down side break will challenge the 900 at least today. Day trading lone need to look an opportunity get out.
  I saw that too, but it is - k19 11/07/08 (225)
    here is what I saw - k19 11/07/08 (167)
  what charting ware r u using? - Yani 11/07/08 (226)
    today's intraday chart - ItsScheme 11/07/08 (279)
  it looks like bouncing back  /无内容 - doublebb 11/07/08 (374)
    seems to me they are shaking - ItsScheme 11/07/08 (433)
      Will Monday move higher? I - doublebb 11/07/08 (339)
        which higher low? if i'm - ItsScheme 11/07/08 (378)
          actually, the 2:30 drop - Yani 11/07/08 (293)
            oh, well. traders always have - ItsScheme 11/07/08 (228)
      Will Monday move higher? I - doublebb 11/07/08 (241)
      现在没办法把LONG吓跑, 越跌大家越买LONG  /无内容 - QWE 11/07/08 (286)
        5 days rule coming again like - doublebb 11/07/08 (225)
  knifes are falling...... - ItsScheme 11/07/08 (292)
    Bulls refused to die. - k19 11/07/08 (159)
    不怕, 我们抄底的在下面接刀, 黑黑 - QWE 11/07/08 (245)
      i'll wait it to fall on the - ItsScheme 11/07/08 (209)
  if they take market down late - ItsScheme 11/07/08 (265)
    ok, false up side break out - ItsScheme 11/07/08 (209)
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