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送交者: k19 2008年11月12日07:37:26 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
if you are long, you are screwed. There is not good entry here at all, if you bought a week ago from here, you lose big already. It is not done, heading for new lows.
    啥叫long?  /无内容 - 阿糊 11/12/08 (229)
      一般的股票和大盘指数ETF都是LONG - QWE 11/12/08 (205)
      it means - k19 11/12/08 (250)
        是不是低买高卖的意思?反过来高卖低买就是short?  /无内容 - 阿糊 11/12/08 (235)
          it has nothing to do what - k19 11/12/08 (195)
            哦,大概中文就叫做看涨或者看跌。俺还是看你们赚吧  /无内容 - 阿糊 11/12/08 (154)
              long means you buy it - k19 11/12/08 (214)
                懂了懂了,谢谢你耐心的解释  /无内容 - 阿糊 11/12/08 (146)
    why not? there are 450 billion - k19 11/12/08 (252)
    es 863 is an important support - Yani 11/12/08 (317)
      We just passed the 78.6% fib - k19 11/12/08 (254)
        a minor rebounce might start - Yani 11/12/08 (255)
          tpeo: at support - Yani 11/12/08 (191)
          are you looking at intraday?  /无内容 - k19 11/12/08 (194)
      我做SWING, 不太重视什么重要阻力支持等等 - QWE 11/12/08 (227)
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