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last hour's action shows that
送交者: ItsScheme 2008年11月13日10:50:54 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
the support has been tested and went through, but back up now. so spx successfully test the support and prove it is a false break. Will it test again? it is remained to be seen. mean time the chart has became the channel now. so buy at channel low rail and sell at channel up rail. today's channel up rail is arounf 872 by the close. watch out, if we stay below day high till last hour and approach day high in last half hour, then... Are you in the office today to catch the move?
  why thay take out day high - ItsScheme 11/13/08 (173)
  which rally? - ItsScheme 11/13/08 (411)
    argree with your observation h  /无内容 - Yani 11/13/08 (260)
      did you see spx hit up rail - ItsScheme 11/13/08 (199)
      will you promise to get out - ItsScheme 11/13/08 (180)
    above post should reply to 6D  /无内容 - ItsScheme 11/13/08 (190)
      still not seeing?  /无内容 - 6degrees 11/13/08 (178)
        ????? not see what?  /无内容 - ItsScheme 11/13/08 (150)
  What is the reason behind - 6degrees 11/13/08 (188)
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